Temporary Roof Scaffolding

As one of the most useful secondary features of scaffolding, temporary roof cover can make your building site a safer and more comfortable place to work.  The same MTEC scaffolding erection which gives your personnel safe access to higher levels of the structure can also support a temporary roof which will offer a variety of benefits which could prove key to your project.  How so?

For builders and other tradespeople who work out-of-doors, the weather can be a big factor in their ability to complete their work in a safe and timely manner.  This is far more than just an issue of personal comfort; anyone who has ever had to work at height in even mildly windy conditions, or climb several floors of scaffolding when the equipment is pouring with rainwater will testify that the risks of working under such conditions are never far from one’s mind.  And when the weather turns cold, a new set of difficulties assert themselves, including the risk of hands and feet slipping on frozen surfaces, and the hazards of working with impaired dexterity due to the cold.

And as if all that wasn’t enough, moisture, low temperatures, and the impact of wind and rain can have an adverse effect on building materials too.  Clearly, methods of protecting building and refurbishment works from the elements are of vital importance.  In the scaffolding trade, these measures often take the form of temporary roof scaffolding, a lightweight and flexible covering which fits to existing access scaffolding equipment and protects the working environment from the worst of the weather.

With shelter from the wind and rain thanks to temporary roof scaffolding, London builders can keep working all year round, no matter what nature throws at you.  And with protection from wind chill and frost, the work area will feel warmer too.  To learn more, or to enquire about temporary roof scaffolding cost for your project, contact MTEC today.