How Long Does Scaffolding Take to Put up?

mtecadmin | April 6, 2022

How Long Does Scaffolding Take to Put up?

At MTEC Scaffolding we hire and erect all kinds of scaffolding. Therefore, we meet with the high demands of construction, architecture or renovation works. Using our own design capabilities, we provide a range of access solutions. This includes independent scaffolding, birdcage and staircase scaffolding structures.

Traditional scaffolding is made of steel tubes, wooden boards and various fittings. These join the components up to create a temporary structure. This structure is then used to access areas normally inaccessible. Planning the process properly and using a competent team will ensure a safe platform to work on.  These temporary structures can be made strong and sound so that they can reach many metres high.  In fact, the Guinness Book of Records notes that in 1988 to 1992, a record breaking 198-metre-high scaffolding was built in New York City. Imagine how long it took to put that up and take it back down!

It may seem obvious.

Given that fact, our initial question may seem obvious.  The simple answer would be that it depends. Many factor affect the time it takes to erect a scaffolding. For example, the size and height of the project. The higher the scaffolding, the more time it takes to pass materials up. The larger the structure, the more materials are required to build it. Also, the exact specifications of a build will have an affect on time frames. Any unusual shapes on a building will mean it takes longer to plan and erect than, for example, a square property. In London, a Victorian house with a bay window would take longer to erect than a straight fronted Georgian house.

Do you require a stair tower scaffolding, or birdcage scaffolding for an indoor project?  Whether you need a basic design, or more complicated structures such as gantry scaffolding, our London based business is one customers can rely on.

The design process is one of the most important aspects of health and safety. A design helps ensure the success of erecting the structure but it also takes time to complete. However, good planning can save time in the long run through avoiding unnecessary mistakes. When you ask ‘how long does it take to put up scaffolding?’, you also have to factor-in the design processes and the health and safety legislation that must be understood and complied with. This all adds time to the process.

Can you estimate time?

Given these facts, the above question is like asking someone, ‘how long is a piece of string?’  Actually, there are ways to calculate the amount of time it would take to build each scaffolding.  Planned well with an expert team like ours at MTEC Scaffolding, we use our years of experience to estimate the time it will take for each individual project. This means that our scaffolding structures will be completed and ready for use within a specific time frame. This may be a matter of hours for a single house front to several weeks or even months for larger project. Having a good idea of when your job will be completed, means you can better plan your time. That way you will be able to book in building contractors or agency workers and ensure your materials are on site when you need them.

Ask our planning team at MTEC Scaffolding for an estimate on how long it will take to erect your scaffolding, before planning the building processes down to the finer details.  Our experience in construction and renovation over the years means we are well placed to advise you on build times and project planning. Once we talk through all the details of your requirements, we can give you the specifications you need to make sure the project is safe and planned to a realistic time frame.

For more information on the many types of scaffolding we can provide for your project, as well as details on estimated time frame, contact us. To make a general enquiry or book a quotation based on building and project specifications. Call now!